Seeking & Surrendering to God's Will No Matter the Cost

Season #1

Watch this episode on YouTube!     

My first message from a church stage.  I wasn't planning to record or share this, but here it is.

This is an example of me finding life.  Doing what I feel called to do, putting myself out there, being vulnerable, feeling the fear, and doing it anyway.

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." - Neale Donald Walsch


I talk a little bit about our story and to me, the most powerful part of Scripture.


We only recorded this because Shelby couldn't be there and she wanted to see it.  We used Bobbi's front-facing camera.  Not the best camera or audio quality, but (this phrase has been coming up a lot lately), it is what it is.


Original recording was edited to remove the worship music due to copyright restrictions.


Recorded on Sunday, November 20, 2022 at:

Echo Church (The church we moved here to help start in 2019!)

1275 E Broadway

Anaheim, CA 92805


Join us in-person any Sunday morning at 9:30 AM! We would love meet you.

Fore more information about Echo Church, please see our Instagram page:


For anything good: To God be the Glory.

#firstsermon #findinglife #movingforward #livelifetothefullest