Why does it seem INCREDIBLE to any of you that GOD can RAISE THE DEAD?

Season #2

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Start YOUR DAY in a GOOD WAY! ☀️🌱😃👍 With some joy, hope, encouragement, wisdom, truth, LIFE, and other "Finding Lifers" from all over the world! If you are seeking life, you are welcome here.

The Good Morning Show! Finding Life LIVE! 👀☀️🌱🎥😃💃🕺🤙

This livestream is scheduled for: Monday, July 8, 2024 at 6:00 AM PST.

This is Week 28, Day 190 of 2024; Week 75, Livestream 348 of Finding Life LIVE! 🤗🎉

Join us on this livestream. You can interact in the live chat, say hello, ask questions, add comments - You may even make it into the LIVE broadcast!

There are 2 parts to finding life:
1. Foundational (faith)
2. Practical (action)

The Good Morning Show - Finding Life LIVE falls under the foundational part of finding life. It's fellowship, community, prayer, and spending time in God's Word.

Years ago, even though I had already given my life to Christ, I had the thought, "There has got to be something more to life than this." Praise God, I've come to find out, there is. There is living life true to the person you were created to be.

I believe there's a life that you were uniquely created to live.

The problem is, we grow up and just follow the path of the masses. We do what everyone else is doing, just because that's what everyone else does. We follow the crowd. We follow the expectations of others. We follow the way of the world.

But this is not the path to life.

The path to live is narrow, not wide. It is not the way of the masses. It is not doing what everyone else is doing. It is not living according to the expectations of others. It is seeking God and His will alone for our life.

The practical part of finding life is how we carry everything out. We are called to live life well; to do well with what we've been given. How do we do this?

We work together. We seek God. We exercise our God-given self-discipline. We take ownership. We control the things we can control, and let go of the things we can't. We pray for discernment. We pray for wisdom. We pray for guidance. We pray for God's supernatural help. We strive to live our life in such a way that brings God glory. We seek to do good work. We seek to make Him known. We get rid of anything that slows us down or holds us back, and we run our God-given race with endurance. We practice faith. We believe. We practice hope. We submit all we are to our Creator and fully rest and trust in Him above all things. We fully rest and trust in His timing; His plan; His will. We work hard. We give it our all. We meet together. We encourage one another. We build each other up. We spur one another on. We pray for each other. We stick together. We fight the good fight. We live out God's truth.

My finding life journey started in 2011. My YouTube finding life journey started in 2023.

We are still only just beginning.

If you've ever felt there has to be something more to life, it's because there is something more to life, and Life is calling you. It's time to answer the call, and find your new true life. It's time to find the life you were created to live. I'm here to help.

My 2 main points of connection are my YouTube channel and my website:
1. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@sbrianbell
2. Website: https://www.sbrianbell.com/

Life change is possible. You can change your life. You can fully and truly live.

Take the first next step today.

Further considering the foundational side of finding life, I believe God's Word is the Living Word, alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, and the light to our path. It shows us the way through a dark and challenging world. We must recognize there is nothing greater. We must spend time in God's Word; read it; study it; and apply it - live it out - if we truly want to find true life.

If you feel like there is something missing in your life, you are not living out God's truth. It's not easy, but it's possible. Living out God's truth is the only thing that fills this void.

Some foundational verses for finding life:

"Whoever finds me, finds life." - Wisdom, Proverbs 8:35

"Whoever pursues righteousness (doing what is right) and love, finds life, prosperity, and honor." - Proverbs 21:21

"Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen, and you will find life." - God, Isaiah 55:3

"...wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” - Jesus, Matthew 7:13-14

"...whoever loses their life for my sake will find it." - Jesus, Matthew 16:25

May we not be deceived and never truly live.

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