What is Filling Your Life

Season #2

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Our life can be filled with many things...some things good...some things not so good. This message considers some of the not-so-good things we tend to fill our life with, and then takes a look at what it takes to fill our life with joy, instead...regardless of our circumstances.  

Hope you enjoy.

For anything good, to God be the glory.

Recorded on Sunday, August 4, 2024 at:

Echo Church (The church we moved from Nashville, TN to Anaheim, CA to help start in 2019!)

1275 E Broadway Anaheim, CA 92805

Join us in-person any Sunday morning at 9:30 AM! We would love meet you.

Fore more information about Echo Church, please see our Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/echochurchoc/

#echochurchoc #findyourgreatestjoy #findinglife