How to be a LEADER - GOD'S WAY - January 30 - God's Word for You Today - Daily Devo
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Need a break from the rat race? I know I do. Let's take a break from mainstream; from all the noise and distractions; from the chaos; from all the news and the politics; from everything that takes life away; and let's spend a few minutes hearing from what brings us back to LIFE - what matters most - the SOURCE of WISDOM, TRUTH, and LIFE - the FOUNDATION for FINDING LIFE - God's Living Word.
Let's recenter; refocus; take 5.
Here are some foundational Bible verses for FINDING LIFE:
Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen, and you will FIND LIFE. - God, Isaiah 55:3
Whoever finds me, FINDS LIFE. - Wisdom, Proverbs 8:35
For our benefit, God made Jesus to be wisdom itself. - 1 Corinthians 1:30
Whoever pursues righteousness and love FINDS LIFE, prosperity, and honor. - Proverbs 21:21
If you give up your LIFE for my sake, you will FIND IT. - Jesus, Matthew 16:25
Jesus came that we may have LIFE and LIFE TO THE FULL. - John 10:10
Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it. Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to LIFE and only a few FIND IT. - Matthew 7:13-14
I'm here to help you find it.
If you've ever felt there has to be something more to life, you're in the right place. Keep moving forward.
Escape the matrix.
Seek God. Find life. Live your life.
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Take a Break from the Rat Race - God’s Word for You Today - The Daily Word - The Daily Devo - Laying the foundation for Finding LIFE!
Nondenominational Christian community & Bible study.